Slow cooker bread

It’s September 2022, and in the UK we’re facing a cost of living crisis, with electricity and gas prices rocketing, and a tory government who care more about making their rich mates richer than helping people out. So it’s time to share a couple of my favourite slow cooker recipes.

So why cook bread in a slow cooker? Using the oven for 45 minutes (enough to warm up and cook a loaf) uses about 1.5kWh, which from 1 October will cost about 78p. That’s not so bad if you’re making a big batch or doubling up and using the oven for your dinner at the same time, but otherwise it’s a lot. Switch to a slow cooker for two hours and 45 minutes, and you’ll use approximately 0.33kWh, costing 17p.

The shape of the slow cooker might lead to a slightly odd-shaped loaf, but it’s lovely soft bread that makes really tasty toast. Every slow cooker works slightly differently, so this may take a bit of trial and error, but here’s what works for me.

Recipe (makes one large loaf):

  • 500g bread flour (I like to use half wholemeal and half white)
  • 300ml water
  • 5g instant dried yeast
  • 10g salt
  • 10g oil

Mix all the ingredients by hand until thoroughly combined, then knead for another 5 minutes. Shape dough into a ball, then leave it to think for an hour.

Press the air out of the dough lightly, then roll it into a ball again. Put a big sheet of baking paper in the slow cooker, then place the ball of dough inside. There’s no need to leave it to rise at this point, the slow cooker will take care of it.

Cook on high for two hours, then carefully turn the loaf over and cook it for another 45 minutes. Turning it gives a more even crust, but isn’t essential if you find it too fiddly.

Leave the bread to cool on a wire rack and enjoy.

More bread tips

A very old post I wrote about slow cookers in 2013

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